Thursday, April 21, 2011

Art Challuunge submission for Snail / Ship…

As of late I have been really inspired by Shepard Fairey’s artwork.  You know… the guy that did that really cool vector Obama “change” poster.  Anyway, so for my submission for the Snail / Ship weekly art challuunge I decided that I would take a stab at that style. 

Here is my process in a nut-shell:  So I started off by taking a photo of my buddy Andrew in a buttoned up shirt and our buddy Danny’s baseball hat.  I then did some Photoshop work giving him the USPS logos on his hat and shirt.  I then added some stripes to the shirt, and then duplicated the photo 4 times and poster-ized the images.  I proceeded to adjust the “threshold of each to descend from light to darker images.  I then brought those images into Illustrator and drew the four different images in vector format (the tan, light & dark blues and red).  I added the word SNAIL, implying the snail mail aspect of the USPS and then added the colors and line shading.  With a few more adjustments on the shading and lighting I was finally done.  This took way more time that I had first anticipated, but I think it turned out better than I expected.  Here is the result.  Click the pic to enlarge.  Hope you dig.


Monday, April 11, 2011

My art challuunge submission for FINLAND / DOG.

Here is my submission from Friday’s art challuunge.  The words were FINLAND / DOG.  I just happened to win the most votes in this round.  Yay me!  Dig.


Friday, April 1, 2011

My art challuunge submission for Jackalope/Lantern.

Good day to all of you in the blogosphere.  This is my submission for this week’s art challuunge words Jackalope/Lantern.  I went a bit dark and comedic this time (nothing ground breaking there).  I opted to create a deity that both the deer and jackrabbits could worship together.  Of course he has a lantern to light their way, but it isn’t lit for this particular gathering.  I kind of wanted to go for a vector shirt design logo thing.  Hope you dig.PrintVoting happens here for anyone and everyone’s favorite submission.  Check back on Monday for the winner!  Word to ya moms…

Friday, March 18, 2011

My art challuunge submission: Brain/Craft…

Another week down and here we are… So I had won last week’s art challuunge with Galaxy / Seashell and was tasked with coming up with the random words for the next week’s challuunge.  I chose BRAIN / CRAFT.  So here is my submission, followed by a few other options that I decided against.  I will let you draw your own conclusions to the meaning of the piece.  Oh, and I used Adobe Illustrator to do up this little ditty, exporting the different options and compiling them in Photoshop to make the animated gif.  I know it was bugging you…

(click to enlarge)Wurm_BrainCraft1

Rejected version #1 (click to enlarge): Wurm_BrainCraft3 Rejected version #2(click to enlarge): Wurm_BrainCraft4 Rejected version #3(click to enlarge): Wurm_BrainCraft5

Friday, March 11, 2011

My art challuunge: Beetle / Swamp…

Here is my art challuunge submission for this week: the words are Beetle / Swamp.  Oooo, spooky.


Friday, March 4, 2011

Galaxy/Seashell, this week’s art challuunge.

Here goes my art challuunge submission for this week’s words: Galaxy / Seashell.  Hope you enjoy.  I composed my idea in Photoshop first and then I painted over the composition.  Why not head over to the old art challuunge blog and vote on your favorite?Wurm_Galaxy_SeaShell

Friday, February 25, 2011

Logo for Half Pint Entertainment.

Here is a logo that I did for my friend Bradi’s entertainment booking business. 

Final logo: halfpintlogos_updates4 

Here is a picture of Bradi so you can see where I was coming from:167040_1699797047193_1005919061_31929234_2522212_n

Logo for Ideal Cleaning Services.

Here is a logo that I did for my buddy Jon’s business.  Check his services here: Ideal Cleaning Services

Final logo:ICS-1

Another option with a vacuum cleaner as the filament.Print

Cloud / Cephalopod: an art challuunge submission.

Here is my art challuunge submission for this week’s words: CLOUD / CEPHALOPOD.  Not unlike most days of every week, I was inspired to do up a fictional heavy metal band’s album cover.  It’s kind of a running theme with me, but hey… I dig doing them.  The main inspiration came from viewing and listening to this web site for an entire day last week:

Why not head over to the old art challuunge blog and vote on your favorite?  It doesn’t hurt at all and kinda makes you feel like you have virtually done something that matters… and it really does matter… at least to those artists throwing in every week.


Friday, February 18, 2011

My art challuunge submission for this week: Doctor / Cactus

So here is my submission for this week’s art challuunge.  The words were Doctor / Cactus.  I went with a record company logo this time.  Hey, why not head over to the blog and check out all the other pieces.  There are some good one’s this week.

>click for larger view<Wurm_doctorcactus

Friday, February 11, 2011

Here is my art challuunge for this week…

The words were BUBBLE / BAT for this week’s challuunge.  I went a little dark but playful for my submission.  Let  me know what you think, good or bad… I enjoy any feedback.  Hey, why not head on over to the blog and vote for your favorite?


Wurm_BubbleBat Title: COVER-UP

Medium: illustrator/Photoshop

Friday, February 4, 2011

My art challuunge this week…

Here is my submission for this week’s art challuunge.  The words were Beauty / Dark.  I kind of went for an old mystery novel look.  Let me know what you think.  You can click the pic to see a larger view.


Medium: Illustrator


…And here it is as if it were a real book:


Wednesday, February 2, 2011

Salvador Dali inspired Disney animation… cool.

This is pretty amazing stuff… I love how the Dali inspired art comes to life. 


To a song of love lost and rediscovered, a woman sees and undergoes surreal transformations. Her lover's face melts off, she dons a dress from the shadow of a bell and becomes a dandelion, ants crawl out of a hand and become Frenchmen riding bicycles. Not to mention the turtles with faces on their backs that collide to form a ballerina, or the bizarre baseball game. From the melting clocks and hourglass sand, to the figure rendered in strips, to the character covered in eyeballs, the style and themes of Dalí are clearly recognizable throughout.

This person said it best on IMDB:

“The Dali fan will find countless images from his paintings, brought to life and presented in a graceful, dreamlike world. Images meld one into another in a way that Dali was not able to utilize in still art. He might give the *impression* of transformation, but in Destino, you see it come to pass. It is an airy cruise through melancholy, romance, and longing. For me it was most thought-provoking, but not heavy or depressing. Definitely recommended!”  -

My only complaint is the music.  I feel that this would have served as a better soundtrack:

I may take on the project of merging these two sometime… In the meantime, here is a rare photo of Salvador Dali:

 Salvador DaliWord.

Friday, January 28, 2011

Here is my METAL / SYRUP submission for this week’s art challuunge…


Medium: pencil/Photoshop

You can head over to the R-WAC blog and vote for mine if you so desire.  I ain’t gonna lie, I don’t think mine was the best submission this week.  Who do you think will win this round?

Wednesday, January 26, 2011

I finished my 1st R-WAC card challuunge…

Here’s what you need to know: I have the Hearts suit in our art deck project.  This month is the “2” card.  The random word was FUTURE and here is my submission that I did with clay, a shoe box and a little painting in Photoshop .  Also this pic has none of the playing card stuff on it.  Dig.

A few more details… we over at the Weekly Art Challuunge website have created a new kind of art challuunge for ourselves.  It’s called the R-WAC Art Deck or also know as the R-WAC Card Challuunge.  4 artists; Andrew, Danny, Naoki & Wurm (me) were assigned a suit from a standard deck of playing cards.  Every month we each create a piece of art inspired by a single word selected at random. Progress shots will be posted weekly. At the end of the year we will have a complete deck of playing cards featuring 54 pieces of original art.

To check out the final final image that will appear in the deck of cards at the end of the year, it will be posted tomorrow morning.  In the meantime, here is the art:



Tuesday, January 25, 2011

Thanks Scott. One of the best tattoos ever!

It is no secret that I love tattoos.  It is also no secret that I love art, science and philosophy.  So this might come as a big shock but I love this tattoo... I only wish that someone else didn't have it, cuz I would totally get it... now if it only said music, sculpting and internet...

MASH-UPS: the new cover songs. I love love love em!

mashups So I have been in love with mash-ups for quite a few years now.  There are so many mash-up artists/DJ’s out there right now, some well known and some not so well known.  I wanted to collect some of the one’s that really “get me” every time they come up in the random mix/shuffle I listen to at work.  So here you are, dear readers, Wurm’s compendium of some of the best mash-ups that the intranets has to offer IMO.  I would love any feedback from you people out there on what mash-ups I may have left out, or what your favorites are.  Please feel free to shoot me links or comment on this thread with your links to sites or blogs or videos.  I dig em, I surehope you do…

Great googley moogley, thanks for reminding me about this classic gem, Dan!

Monday, January 24, 2011

Hoe-lee sheep shit, I won this week’s art challuunge!

Well whadda ya know, I won this week’s art challuunge with my drawing for Radioactive / Butterfly.  Kinda cool.  We all vowed (the R-WAC founding fathers) to never vote for our own submission and I have stayed true to this vow.  Click the pic below to check out a larger version of my Radioactive / Butterfly:


Find out what the weekly art challuunge is all about here:

Monday, January 17, 2011

This art is really great. A comic book rendition of MLK’s life.

Gonna have to put this on my wish list.  If you go the site and click the “CLICK TO LOOK INSIDE” picture, it gives you a preview of some of the killer artwork in this comic book rendition of MLK’s life.  I love the black and white art style in comic books more than any other style.  It gives them a certain darkness and mystery that can not be duplicated with color images.  This is of course my opinion.  So click over and dig some great art.

Friday, January 14, 2011

I have been smoke free for 12 days now.

Dear cigarettes (my former lover),

It has been 12 days since we last saw each other… and while I enjoyed many of the times we spent together the past 12 or so years - IT IS OVER!  I regret to inform you that it’s not ME that’s the problem, it’s YOU!  It ALWAYS was you. You have caused me to stay up nights coughing and hacking for the last time.  So please don’t call me for just “one more night out” or a “quick fling at lunch”.  I NEVER WANT TO SEE YOUR STINKIN FACE AGAIN, YOU HEARTLESS MOTHER FUCKER!


Wurm (your former friend)


Wurm’s R-WAC Weekly submission: Old / Viking

Here is my weekly art challuunge submission for OLD / VIKING.


If you like it head on over to the blog and vote for mine.  The winner will choose the following week’s words. 

Here’s the site, R-WAC Weekly Challuunge in case you had never been there.  Check out the HOW IT WORKS tab at the top to see the rules.  Everyone on the planet is invited to submit art for the challuunge!

Thursday, January 13, 2011

Beers filling up through the bottom of the cup... wow!

That’s right folks.  Wurm here bringing you all the latest in strange internet findings.  Wow!  I love this.  Seems to get rid of the age old problem of too much head, but then again, who REALLY has that problem >wink wink<

Tuesday, January 4, 2011

The New Random Words Art Challuunge will be getting some nice changes this year.

Head on over to check out the new addition to our art challuunge weekly challuunge.

Here is how it works:

The R-WAC Card Challuunge:

The Card Challuunge is a little different than our parent site (Random words art Challuunge). It is comprised of 4 artists; Andrew, Danny, Naoki & Wurm (that's me!!!). Each artist was assigned a suit from a standard deck of playing cards and every month they each create a piece of art inspired by a single word selected at random. Progress shots will be posted weekly. At the end of the year we will have a complete deck of playing cards featuring 54 pieces of original art.


Here are some various states of my submission for the letter "c" in the new logo.


And here is the final image (click for larger view):

Finished logo for the sight (all four artists created a letter for the logo):

Dig.  more to come.  I am going to post all of my submissions from the weekly art challuunge over the past year or so eventually.
