Medium: pencil/Photoshop
You can head over to the R-WAC blog and vote for mine if you so desire. I ain’t gonna lie, I don’t think mine was the best submission this week. Who do you think will win this round?
Medium: pencil/Photoshop
You can head over to the R-WAC blog and vote for mine if you so desire. I ain’t gonna lie, I don’t think mine was the best submission this week. Who do you think will win this round?
Here’s what you need to know: I have the Hearts suit in our art deck project. This month is the “2” card. The random word was FUTURE and here is my submission that I did with clay, a shoe box and a little painting in Photoshop . Also this pic has none of the playing card stuff on it. Dig.
A few more details… we over at the Weekly Art Challuunge website have created a new kind of art challuunge for ourselves. It’s called the R-WAC Art Deck or also know as the R-WAC Card Challuunge. 4 artists; Andrew, Danny, Naoki & Wurm (me) were assigned a suit from a standard deck of playing cards. Every month we each create a piece of art inspired by a single word selected at random. Progress shots will be posted weekly. At the end of the year we will have a complete deck of playing cards featuring 54 pieces of original art.
To check out the final final image that will appear in the deck of cards at the end of the year, it will be posted tomorrow morning. In the meantime, here is the art:
So I have been in love with mash-ups for quite a few years now. There are so many mash-up artists/DJ’s out there right now, some well known and some not so well known. I wanted to collect some of the one’s that really “get me” every time they come up in the random mix/shuffle I listen to at work. So here you are, dear readers, Wurm’s compendium of some of the best mash-ups that the intranets has to offer IMO. I would love any feedback from you people out there on what mash-ups I may have left out, or what your favorites are. Please feel free to shoot me links or comment on this thread with your links to sites or blogs or videos. I dig em, I surehope you do…
Great googley moogley, thanks for reminding me about this classic gem, Dan!
Well whadda ya know, I won this week’s art challuunge with my drawing for Radioactive / Butterfly. Kinda cool. We all vowed (the R-WAC founding fathers) to never vote for our own submission and I have stayed true to this vow. Click the pic below to check out a larger version of my Radioactive / Butterfly:
Find out what the weekly art challuunge is all about here:
Dear cigarettes (my former lover),
It has been 12 days since we last saw each other… and while I enjoyed many of the times we spent together the past 12 or so years - IT IS OVER! I regret to inform you that it’s not ME that’s the problem, it’s YOU! It ALWAYS was you. You have caused me to stay up nights coughing and hacking for the last time. So please don’t call me for just “one more night out” or a “quick fling at lunch”. I NEVER WANT TO SEE YOUR STINKIN FACE AGAIN, YOU HEARTLESS MOTHER FUCKER!
Wurm (your former friend)
Here is my weekly art challuunge submission for OLD / VIKING.
If you like it head on over to the blog and vote for mine. The winner will choose the following week’s words.
Here’s the site, R-WAC Weekly Challuunge in case you had never been there. Check out the HOW IT WORKS tab at the top to see the rules. Everyone on the planet is invited to submit art for the challuunge!
That’s right folks. Wurm here bringing you all the latest in strange internet findings. Wow! I love this. Seems to get rid of the age old problem of too much head, but then again, who REALLY has that problem >wink wink<